shah rukh khan, amitabh bachchan, dilip kumar, srk, amitabh dilip
Box Office India Trade Network

The 100 year plus history of cinema in India has seen around seven genuine superstars or megastars. We say genuine as regional superstars are called superstars today while stars and mini stars also get called superstars; so the word superstar looses value. When historians write about Indian cinema, then it may well be that the names of Dilip Kumar, Amitabh Bachchan and Shah Rukh Khan will be at the top of the pile due to various reasons.

In reality, these things are very region based as X can be the biggest ever in one region and then this X can be number 5 of all time in another region and huge essays can be written who was greatest where and when but that is for another day. However, there is a huge huge similarity in the career of Dilip Kumar, Amitabh Bachchan and Shah Rukh Khan and it becomes even more uncanny that all three are among the biggest superstars if not the biggest India has ever seen.

All the three superstars had a hiatus in their respective careers and not only were they all at a similar age but it was also for a similar period and it looks like Shah Rukh Khan may have passed where the other two legends did not.

Dilip Kumar took a break at the age of 53 post BAIRAAG in 1976. This film is seen as a flop in the industry but as per box office collections, it was a HIT or even SUPERHIT. But prior to this Dilip Kumar had not seen a hit for six years and BAIRAAG was a much delayed release. Som the decision to take a break was probably taken much before the release of BAIRAAG.

BAIRAAG was released in October 1976 and then Dilip Kumar came back with KRANTI in February 1981 which was a break of 52 months. KRANTI broke all first run box office records but Dilip Kumar came back as character artist rather than the lead. Its another matter that he set a precedent that his films become set around this older character rather than leads and many also became huge BLOCKBUSTERS. This sets him apart from all the actors and is basically why he is the greatest ACTOR India has ever seen.

Amitabh Bachchan took a break at the age of 49 post the release of KHUDA GAWAH. This film did not live upto expectations due to the huge costs but was a good grosser and the biggest of that year in some circuits. But generally except for AAJ KA ARJUN, the films of Amitabh Bachchan had not been performing as they should for a few years. KHUDA GAWAH was released in May 1992 and it was break of 60 months as MRITYUDAATA came in May 1997. He did a guest appearance in INSANIYAT in between but that was a long delayed film. Amitabh Bachchan came back as main lead but the film just did not work and nor did others as lead. Hence, he eventually had to shift to character roles. It was still a great career as a character artist and is still going strong today but the sort of films and roles Dilip Kumar got was not there for Amitabh Bachchan.

Shah Rukh Khan took a break at the age of 53 post the release of ZERO and there is not much to say about the fate of this film and also the few films that came before ZERO. ZERO was released in December 2017 and Shah Rukh Khan came back with PATHAAN in January 2023 which was break of 61 months and it has smashed the box office. The difference here is that Shah Rukh Khan has not comeback as a character artist like Dilip Kumar but main lead. And when Amitabh Bachchan did come back as main lead, it led to failure while Shah Rukh Khan has succeeded and how. Basically he has gone to where the legends could not go post the hiatus they all took.

There can be a new chapter of super success written depending on how the story unfolds from here. This is a different Shah Rukh Khan from before just not on screen but as the way things are done also. Shah Rukh Khan was the king of promotion and it was his methods that the rest followed and are still following today. This is while Shah Rukh Khan himself has changed to keeping a low profile which is actually still a must for a genuine superstar or star though many don't see it that way. You see all these actors promoting films with stupid interviews all over the digital space, there are these Instagram videos and shorts or reels or whatever they are called sort of telling the public you can see me on these regularly for free so no need to come and watch my films and the public does as they say. The difference now with SRK maybe is that the message will be that if you want to see me then see me on the big screen and with this scene of exclusivity with the correct product and the sky will be the limit. Both will have to go hand in hand but the potential to create history with this mix is huge.

Also if this is the way SRK goes, then just like he taught the industry about promotion and he may now teach that it is all pretty pointless now and its your film and your exclusivity that urges fans to watch you in the cinema hall. This actually would be far important than any box office history as it will put the film industry on the correct lines.