Divya Kaushik (BOMBAY TIMES; February 5, 2019)

Even before its release, Kangana Ranaut’s Manikarnika - The Queen Of Jhansi had been making news after the actress took over the reigns from Radha Krishna Jagarlamudi aka Krish, which also led to Sonu Sood leaving the project. Since the film’s release, Krish has been claiming that he was not kept in the loop and many changes were made in the film without his knowledge. It has resulted in a mudslinging competition between the two parties — both online and offline.

At a recent event, Kangana addressed the ongoing controversy and said that she was surprised that Krish chose to go to the media instead of speaking to her about the issue. “I say everything openly. People are shouting on social media and giving interviews and crying about things. My sister released the messages which we sent to Krish, saying that we should meet. I wanted to show him the film in December, but he never showed up. In fact, he was sure that the film was completely destroyed and was surprised how could anyone revive it. When I did, he could not believe it. The minute he saw the film he was like, ‘It’s my film,’ which is okay, as he anyway has got the credit for it. But the question is, why a media trial? Why can’t he meet and tell me what his concerns are? He has never met me, never responded to any of the invites that my producer and I extended to him,” said Kangana.

Speaking about some character actors in the film, who, Kangana said, have “agendas” , the actress said, “All these character actors, who are part of the film, are claiming that they were promised something and it was not delivered. They are messaging me saying, ‘oh we were told that we’ll get to do solo interviews’ and this and that, so I blocked their numbers. I was like, are you trying to butter both sides of the toast now? So these people have agendas. I believe if they have sincere respect for work, if they really felt that Manikarnika is their film, the way I feel or Ankita (Lokhande) feels or Prasoon (Joshi) feels, they wouldn’t go out and attack the film during such an important week (after the film’s release).”

She also slammed Sonu Sood for “maligning the film.” Kangana said, “This is proper sabotage that these people are doing, especially Sonu Sood, who is contractually bound not to talk about the film. He should not be talking about the movie and as his contract was terminated, he is no longer a part of the film. He doesn’t hold any sort of participation in it. Why is he maligning it? So there are deep-rooted agendas that these people have and the worst is that they are claiming to be a part of the film. Despite everything, we have received love for the film. But what is really shocking and alarming to see is that in how many ways people exploit a situation.”

Kangana said that it was a huge risk for her to take over the directorial reigns of Manikarnika. “I am grateful that I could do this. I took a big risk. When the film was abandoned, I took up its direction and everyone told me, ‘you are ruined. This is the worst thing to do as everyone will put the blame on you.’ At that time I thought that if that’s the case, let it be, what could I have done? I tried to revive the project. In the film industry, they say that it is easy to make a film from the beginning, but it is very difficult to revive a project. So that was a risk, which paid off well. But yes, there were 50 per cent chances that I would not have made the film. Now that I have made it, it’s a bit more special, it’s not like any other directorial debut,” she said.

Kangana criticised the “industry people” for not standing up in support of the film. “My endeavour was to create something for the people. I didn’t charge a penny to direct and I was completely dedicated to it. Thankfully, I have got a great response from people, they are loving the film and connecting with that legacy, which we all share. Industry people are being absolutely obnoxious, they are ganging up against the film, not saying anything and trying to ignore it. Some small-time actors are messaging me saying, ‘oh, we saw the film. It is such a good film.’ They are not daring to write this on social media. So that’s how they have all ganged up. It is not that it doesn’t hurt. This film was so special and everyone should have stood by it, the way we stood by films like Queen or Dangal or any other film that makes an impact on society. What I felt from this experience is that the industry is full of petty people, who don’t rise above their personal likes and dislikes. Whatever I am saying might harm me, but deep down I know I am talking about a bigger cause. There are very few such films that do not belong to one person, they belong to the nation at large and they should be seen for what they are,” said the actress.

Not many would know that Kangana spent the initial years of her career doing theatre in Delhi. She said that she owes her understanding of acting to her theatre days in the capital. “I came to Delhi with a few friends. We were a group of six-seven girls living in Lajpat Nagar and we were living in a small room, sleeping on mattresses and we survived on bread and pickle,” she recalled. “I happened to go to this acting workshop. It was a group of 10-15 people and there was a gentleman giving them instructions. I joined the group and that’s how I met my guru, Arvind Gaur. It was through theatre that I figured out what acting is. I knew nothing about acting as a profession and it was in Delhi that I was introduced to this world of acting,” she said, adding that going to Mumbai was a completely different experience. “I think Delhi people are mostly misunderstood. I met some amazing people here. I made some friends, who are still close to me. I never found myself in an uncomfortable situation, but in Mumbai, I met horrible people and I continue to run into obnoxious people there. When I moved to Mumbai, I went there thinking that I’d meet similar kind of people, but I was wrong. I was harassed, there were people trying to defame me. I have faced extreme situations in Mumbai, but I have also achieved my success in that city,” she said.