Jasmin Bhasin Makes First Public Appearance Post Corneal Damage

Hasti Doshi (BOMBAY TIMES; July 26, 2024)

Actress Jasmine Bhasin has had a tough time in the last few days. The actress' eyes were bandaged after she experienced some serious trouble with her lenses. Her corneas were damaged and she was advised to completely rest. Jasmine was attending an event in Delhi on July 17 when the incident occurred. But the actress is feeling better now and her bandages have been removed.

The actress tells us, “I have almost recovered. There is slight uneasiness and pain but it will take some time to heal fully. My vision is back and I can now carry on with my daily routine. I can get back to work. Thanks to all the doctors who have helped me heal.”

She needs to exercise caution though. “I still need to be careful with my makeup and lenses for a month. I can't wear them for sometime. And makeup shouldn’t touch my eyes."

Jasmine also thanked boyfriend Aly Goni on her social media for being with her throughout this. She shares, “Aly was there with me throughout and was my biggest support system. He became my eyes and hands for a few days. Whenever I had to put eye drops every few hours, he used to help me with that too."

She adds, "My friends came over to make me feel better and spend time with me. I feel blessed that I had people around me in difficult times.”

While the actress blames no one for this incident, but asks everyone to be careful. “This can happen to anyone. This is one unfortunate incident that happened with me. I don’t blame anyone for this, but I want everyone to be careful while wearing their lenses and also with their health,” says Jasmine.