The Kerala Story
Box Office India Trade Network

THE KERALA STORY managed to collect 3.75 crore nett in its fifth weekend which is a good collection but the film is now seeing drops as collections are 60-65% down from last week. The trend is still superior to THE KASHMIR FILES.

This takes the collections to a crazy 216 crore nett and it should comfortably go over the 220 crore nett mark and maybe finish at around 225 crore nett. THE KASHMIR FILES saw huge support through corporate bookings and blocked shows while here the mass Hindi circuits have been dominated by families who bring females out to show what is happening to make them aware. How much is true and fake in the film is for individuals to decide. But at the box office, it has worked a bit like an educational film across the Hindi audience.

The loss of business from some areas not playing the film is probably in the 7-8 crore nett range till date.

The collections of THE KERALA STORY till date are as follows.
Week One - 77,21,00,000
Week Two -  80,36,00,000
Week Three - 37,79,00,000
Week Four - 16,43,00,000
Friday - 75,00,000 apprx
Saturday -  1,25,00,000 apprx
Sunday - 1,75,00,000 apprx
Fifth Weekend - 3,75,00,000 apprx
TOTAL - 2,16,29,00,000 apprx