The Kerala Story
Box Office India Trade Network

THE KERALA STORY made more gains on Wednesday as it collected 11.75 crore nett to take its total to 66 crore nett in six days. The loss of business in West Bengal is not really making much difference as the film is going up in all circuits since Monday.

THE KASHMIR FILES did business of 96 crore nett in week one and 108 crore nett in week two and here the first week is going to be short by around 15-20%. But there is good chance that the second week here is going to be better as well. It is locked that the weekend will be better.

On the present trend, the film is practically certain to cross the 200 crore mark and its probably how much higher does it go. The numbers can go higher and its quite likely that the highest single day is yet to come for the film.

The six day collections of THE KERALA STORY are as follows.
Friday -  6,75,00,000 apprx 
Saturday - 10,50,00,000 apprx
Sunday - 16,00,00,000 apprx
Monday - 10,00,00,000 apprx
Tuesday - 11,00,00,000 apprx
Wednesday - 11,75,00,000 apprx
TOTAL - 66,00,00,000 apprx