‘We can read each other’s thoughts; have twin telepathy’

Syeda Eba Fatima (HINDUSTAN TIMES; April 10, 2023)

When one of the twins falls sick, the other takes to the bed too — it may look like a scene from a film. But no matter how bizarre that sounds, it’s true, and the living examples are identical twins Samriddhi and Surabhi Mehra, popularly known as Chinki-Minki on social media.

“We are affected by the same things at the same time. Also, we have that twin telepathy thing, where we can read each other’s thoughts. It’s twin magic. We exactly know what the other one is thinking at every moment of the day. Not just our thoughts, but our actions are also the same. Both of us wave at the same time and put down our hands at the same moment. This freaks out others at times, but for us, it’s very natural and normal,” share the sisters.

But there are minor personality differences that only a few close ones know about. Samriddhi tells us, “Surabhi is more anxious, while I am the calmer one. There is a difference in the tone when we speak. But only a few friends and mum can spot that.” Whenever a disagreement happens, the two “work together” to resolve it. “We try and divide the day into two halves, and for each half, one of us takes the charge,” ends Samriddhi.