Huma Qureshi's Vegan Pick Is An Aubergine Wrap: 3 Best Ways To Enjoy This King Of Vegetables

Onkar Kulkarni (BOMBAY TIMES; May 3, 2022)

Though Huma S Qureshi is busy shooting on Eid today, she has managed to squeeze in some time to enjoy a lavish lunch with her family at home. She says, “I am excited as my parents are in town. The last two years of the pandemic kept them away. I am glad that I am getting to spend time with them. For the family lunch today, my mom will cook an amazing spread. The menu is always elaborate and comprises dishes like biryani, nihari, paya and kheema among other delicacies. My mom always surprises us with the spread. She will also be making sheer khurma, and I have only requested her to make a separate sugar-free portion for me because I don’t enjoy sugar anymore,” says Huma.

The actress believes in spending quality time with family on occasions like these. “Usually, I feel that through the year you work so hard and so on occasions like birthdays and festivals you must take time out for your folks and celebrate with them.”

Huma couldn’t fast this year as she was shooting for a film. She shares, “Unfortunately, I could not fast this year as I was shooting for a film that revolves around cooking and food. When you are shooting for a film that is based on food, it becomes extremely difficult to fast.”

Remembering how she celebrated the festival during her childhood, Huma says, “Several of my family members would go out for namaz, and we kids would eagerly wait for them to return home. We would wait in a queue and do salaam as soon as they were back, and get Eidi. We would compete with each other and see who got the maximum Eidi.”