Hansal Mehta veers away from his usual dark and adult themes to jump into a new genre, only to discover that he actually enjoys making comedies
Roshmila Bhattacharya (MUMBAI MIRROR; November 10, 2020)

A day after Joe Biden was elected to the White House, National Award-winning director Hansal Mehta recalled the pall of gloom on the sets of Simran when, four years ago, Donald Trump, the man he defeated, was voted the 45th President of America. “Some cried, some were just silent,” he recounts, imagining smiles on those faces today as a long dark night comes to an end. “Unfortunately, I’ve lost touch with many of them, but there is an American actor, Timothy Ryan Hickernell, who also played Daniel Pearl in Omerta, who I know is celebrating. Tim messaged me, saying, ‘We’ve won, baby.’ My daughters are US citizens, so the politics there concerns me since whoever is getting elected is their President,” he reasons.

Does he see himself making a film on the political battle that had the world riveted for weeks, you wonder, and Hansal points out that if he came across a personal story with US politics in the backdrop, he might be tempted. “I am always driven by a story, for instance it was Rajkummar’s (Rao) character that took me into the small-town world of my soon-to-release film Chhalaang,” he says, adding that, for now, he’s hoping the results will positively impact the world. “We’ve spent too much time dealing with the lack of dignity and polarisation. It’s time the language of politics changes and the world gets more united”.

For him personally, it’s encouraging that those who would constantly bicker with him online, are enjoying his recent series even while they still differ with him politically. “That proves that stories have the power to unify and heal. And I am happy I am telling these stories at a time when the world needs to heal,” he exults.

His next, Chhalaang, is a slice-oflife story of a small-town PT teacher played by Rajkummar, the computer teacher, Nushrratt Bharuccha, who steals his heart, and a new competitor, Zeeshan Ayyub who enters the field and pushes him to new highs. Comedy is not a genre Hansal normally favours, but a phone call from producer Luv Ranjan, who was shooting a film in London then, pushed him into exploring a fun space which, he is quick to add, is more “feel good than slapstick”. “Most of the subjects of my films come from me and I work closely with the writers. But Luv had already written this story and though I’ve never asked him why he thought of me to direct it, since we had never met before, when we did interact, I found him to be a sensible guy, with his own understanding of cinema, but open to ideas. So, I decided to go with his judgement. Like its title, Chhalaang was a leap of faith for me too,” Hansal chuckles wryly.

Pointing out that this Diwali will be a difficult one, with Covid-19 curtailing celebrations, the maker is happy to bring a film the whole family can watch together. “This is the first time my daughters will get to watch a film of mine with the rest of the family since all the others have had adult themes,” he informs happily. Will he be joining them? “No, once a film is delivered, I rarely watch my work. I may revisit it after a few years.”

Has he watched Simran, which was shot in the US, after its release, and wished that they’d stuck to the original script? “I did revisit the film on a flight once, but I haven’t revisited the original script. I don’t remember much, I’ve erased Simran from my memory,” Hansal says shortly. The film had driven a wedge between his frequent collaborator, editor and Aligarh writer, Apurva Asrani, and him. Have they sat down since with plans to collaborate on another film? “No. Never say never, but as of now, no,” he retorts. And Kangana Ranaut? With another “No,” he firmly shuts the door on Simran.

Interestingly, the pandemic has been a busy time for Hansal who was editing a nine-hour series (Scam 1992) along with the post-production of Chhalaang. The series has made him proud, both of his son, Jai, who was the co-director, and Gujarati stage and film actor, Pratik Gandhi, the latter reminding him of Rajkummar during their first collaboration, Shahid, which bagged both of them National Awards. “Rajkummar has evolved into a fine actor with some wonderful choices. Pratik has had a longer gestation period, but is coming into his own now. It’s gratifying to work with actors of such calibre, the industry needs such talent to tell good stories,” he avers, pointing out that success has brought a sense of recklessness in him. “There’s this need to go out and shoot because so many ideas have been flooding my mind in the last few months. There are so many stories I want to tell and so little time because I want to make more films, many more.”

So, what’s next? “There was a film I was to kick off in March. I’ve been revisiting it with my writers. There are a couple of other things too. Maybe the anthology will begin first,” he muses. Anubhav Sinha, Sudhir Mishra, Ketan Mehta, Subhash Kapoor and Hansal have joined hands to make five 25-minute films which will be part of an anthology on the common subject of the Coronavirus pandemic. “Mine is more of a comedy; I’ve begun to enjoy this genre now. I’m ready to shoot; we are just trying to find the right location. It will roll in the coming month and we will mostly shoot in Gujarat. But for now, you can just leap into Chhalaang with me,” he signs off. with a laugh.