Juhi Chakraborty (HINDUSTAN TIMES; November 12, 2020)

Cinemas are reopening in many states across the country, including Maharashtra, but it is still a Catch-22 situation for exhibitors when it comes to releasing new projects. Filmmaker Vikram Bhatt feels theatres reopening is good news, but he’s sceptical about the audience’s response.

“We have taken a big hit in terms of business with theatres closing, but I think it is going be a long haul before people start coming in again and watching films like they used to before,” opines Bhatt, who is optimistic, nevertheless, that cinema lovers will come around and throng theatres soon.

“I don’t know how many people will be willing to risk their lives to watch a movie. But, I am very hopeful that people will go, because the opening of restaurants has given us an indication. People have worn masks and gone into restaurants in huge numbers. I think we’ll be up and running earlier than I thought. The faster the better, because we need to get back into circulation,” he explains.

Some people feel it is a bit too soon, given the rising number of Coronavirus cases in some cities. However, Bhatt disagrees. “Since everything has opened up — flights, restaurants, malls, buses — I think there has to be a sense of awareness. If you are opening public places, you must open all public places,” he reasons.

Bhatt goes on to say that with proper precautions in place, there is no reason why theatres aren’t safe. “I understand theatres are air conditioned, but so are buses, metros and malls, for that matter. I think there should be uniformity in what’s allowed and what’s not. If we feel closed places with air conditioning are risky, it has to be true for all such places. So, in that way, I don’t think it’s pretty soon. In fact, it’s rather late,” he concludes.