Kate Elizabeth Hallam, who got divorced from Lucky Ali last year, talks about her relationship with the singer
Debarati Sen (BOMBAY TIMES; September 25, 2019)

If you are a 90s’ kid, and a music lover, you’ve probably grown up listening to Lucky Ali’s iconic numbers like Ek Pal Ka Jeena, O Sanam, Aa Bhi Jaa and Hairat. However, it’s not just his soul-stirring music that made Lucky (aka Maqsood Ali, son of prominent comic actor Mehmood Ali) hit the headlines; his three marriages were also much talked about.

The singer’s last marriage — a court marriage in Bengaluru in 2010 — was to former Miss England, Kate Elizabeth Hallam, who is also an actress, presenter and bass guitarist. They have an eight-year-old son, Dani. Not many know that last year, the couple sought mutual divorce.

In an exclusive interview with Bombay Times, Kate said, “I don’t want to go into the details of why my marriage didn’t work out. Maqsood (Lucky) did his best as a man who was married for the third time and took on the responsibility of a third family. However, for a woman, it is hard when you get divided attention; that can be quite something to get used to and live with. My parents have been married for 50 years now, and are traditional in their beliefs. I guess, over the years, I realised that I want a man who is not divided between three families, but is focused on one family.”

When asked if the separation was amicable, she replied, “I separated from Maqsood in the end of 2017, as spiritually, I needed to find my way in life. After eight years of dividing my time between my parents in England, and then my husband and son in India, I needed to root down somewhere. And, deep down, I knew that my journey in this marriage had to come to an end.”

Kate said, “The only thing more unthinkable than leaving was staying, and the only thing more impossible than staying was leaving, but I knew that it was inevitable. People think women are foolish to enter a marriage where there are other wives, but that’s not the case. It takes a lot of inner strength to be in such a relationship and it taught me a lot, mentally and spiritually. I attained spiritual enlightenment from my experiences in India, it enhanced my faith.”

Kate and Lucky first met when she flew down to India in 2010 to do a South movie (Udayan Express), and Lucky had sung the soundtrack for it. “I was a foreigner in a new land, totally drawn by India’s beauty and mysticism... so, it felt right to get married when Maqsood proposed. At that point, I did not know who Lucky Ali was, or how popular he was in India,” she recalled.

Kate was fully aware of Lucky’s previous relationships. “I was aware that Maqsood had two other wives, but they were not living together at that time. Meaghan Jane McCleary (his first wife, who he married in 1996 ) was in New Zealand, while Anahita (his second wife, who he married in 2000 and divorced in 2011) lived in Mumbai,” she said, adding, “Anahita and Meaghan are strong women, who I respect a lot. They, too, have been in the same situation and we have that in common. We are amicable with each other.”

Talking about amicable relationships, she shares one with Lucky, too. “There is regular contact, as we want the best for our son, Dani. There is no animosity between us,” she said.

About eight-year-old Dani, the proud mother shared, “He is a caring and sensitive soul. He has a funny side to him, like his late grandfather Mehmood. Dani takes everything in his stride. Also, he gets a lot of love from both Maqsood and I, so he enjoys the best of both worlds.”

Since the divorce, Elizabeth has moved on and recently got engaged to music producer David Tickle. The couple also has a two-month-old son.