Meghna Mukherjee (BOMBAY TIMES; September 12, 2016)

He continues to be one of the most eligible bachelors Tinseltown. Dino Morea, of who is known for his diehard looks and cute smile, still has women vying for his attention. However, the model-turned-actor has now become an entrepreneur and is busy juggling different projects. Excerpts...

You've always had a huge female fan following. However, of late, your fans haven't seen enough of you. What keeps you busy?
Thanks to the various social media platforms, I keep interacting with my fans. However, they haven't seen enough of me, since I haven't really been in a film or a TV show for a while now. But I am working towards changing that. I have set up a few business ventures which are already underway. I am also associated with a few start-ups and simultaneously I'm working on my own project too.

Tell us more about it.
I have my own fitness initiative which I have launched in Mumbai. Hopefully, it will go pan-India soon. Our production house will start creating content for films and digital platforms. And after all this hard work, we throw some of the best parties in town for people to come and enjoy themselves.

Have movies taken a backseat because of your business ventures?
I think there's a huge misconception about me not taking up any acting project for the last three years because of the roles that have been offered to me. Pursuing a business does not mean that I do not want to get back to acting. Let me be loud and clear - films have always been very special to me and will continue to be so.

Tell us a bit about your production house, Clockwork Films.
We have done one movie and a few ad films. I started it in order to create content and learn the ropes of production. I was fortunate that Mahesh Bhatt and Pooja Bhatt had worked on my first production, Jism 2.
Their experience and advice have been invaluable. I am actively reading more scripts for films and also content for web platforms. I hope to announce something soon.

From a producer's point of view, what kind of movies do you usually like to produce? Any specific genre that interests you?
As a producer and an actor, I would like to create films that I would enjoy watching. I pretty much enjoy any genre as long as it engages me for those two hours.

What is happening on the personal front? Do we see you settling down soon?
Well, what's happening on the personal front, is personal! I surely would love to have a family and kids. So, hopefully soon.