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An online report wrongly stated that Raveena Tandon lost her mother on Saturday
Subhash K Jha (DNA; September 21, 2015)

Raveena Tandon was stunned to wake up on Sunday morning with a barrage of condolence messages from friends and well-wishers. It took her a while to figure out what the confusion was all about. A leading newspaper in Mumbai published a report on the internet with the headline ‘Raveena Tandon Bereaved’. It went on to state that Raveena lost her mother (Veena) “yesterday” (Saturday) and that “close friends of the Tandons rushed to offer condolences.” Fuming with rage Raveena says, “No such thing has happened. My mother is hale and hearty and by God’s grace she has many more years to live. The closest she came to a health issue on Saturday when she’s supposed to have — God forbid — died, is when she had to take her dog to a vet.”

The actress got a call from the newspaper’s correspondent on Saturday. “I told her it was not true. They managed to pull it out of the print edition. But the damage was done,” says Raveena. The actress, who is extremely upset, adds, “Death is not a matter to gossip about. It concerns lives.”