Onkar Kulkarni (BOMBAY TIMES; August 21, 2023)

"Travelling means re-educating myself. It is decompressing and relaxing,” says Bhumi Pednekar who’s back to the bay after a week-long trip in Australia. It’s a country she loves visiting and this was her third visit. What made her trip even better is that she had her sister Samiksha for company – and together, they are a cool travel jodi.

While during her earlier trips to Oz, Bhumi covered the Gold Coast and Sydney, this time around she explored Melbourne.

“If you are a foodie, then there can’t be any other better place than Melbourne. It truly has some of the best food to offer. Food is always one of the highlights when Samiksha and I travel together, and our days are usually planned around our meals, so this really completed our trip. This time, I really enjoyed binging at this pizzeria which is rated the fourth best pizzeria in the world,” she says.

Talking about what else she did in Australia, Bhumi says, “The coast and the water is just so beautiful. I am a beach baby and I love going into the water there. The wildlife is also so different from what we have around our parts of the world, like the koalas, kangaroos and even marine life. This place is a heaven for anybody who loves animals, wildlife and food!”

Another interesting addition to her itinerary was a visit to an art gallery. Bhumi says, “At the gallery, we saw some beautiful pieces by Picasso. I learned that he also made sculptures, and I loved seeing those. There was an entire area dedicated to female Australian artistes, and you could just see how female energy would transition.”

My sister Samiksha is my favourite travel buddy:
My sister Samiksha is my favourite travel buddy. We have literally seen the world together. We have travelled together ever since we were kids. From London to Paris, Canada to Dubai, we have travelled across Europe and also in India

‘I enjoy walking on the streets in a new city’
Bhumi says, “It is fun meeting people from different cultures because when I travel, I love living the local life, eating local cuisine and going to local markets. I also love walking around. I feel when you are walking on the streets is when you learn the most about the place. I learn a lot about life when I travel.”

What’s Bhumi’s next destination?
“The one place I do want to go to is Japan. It’s at the top of my travel list. I can’t wait to do that trip with my sister.”