hema malini esha deol

Raising two kids under six is a full-time job. Actress Esha Deol has a hectic shooting schedule to top that. Mommy to Radhya (6) and Miraya (4), Deol is gearing up to return to the big screen with her film ‘Main’. Neha Bhayana caught up with her to know how she juggles motherhood and acting
Neha Bhayana (THE TIMES OF INDIA; July 2, 2023)

With two kids under six, has a good night’s sleep become a luxury?
I just follow my kids’ schedule. I sleep when they sleep. We wake up early and eat together. Of course, when I’m shooting it’s a little difficult to match their sleeping and eating timing but when I am home, I follow their routine.

How do you deal with toddler tantrums? What’s the most embarrassing situation you have faced as a parent?
Tantrums are a part of growing up. You throw tantrums and you learn why you should not. When my kids throw a tantrum, I allow them to do so. Once they are done, I take over and explain why it’s wrong or not good for them and I tackle the reason for the tantrum. Some tantrums are cute though. Sometimes both of them want me to carry them at the same time or they both want to sit on my lap at the same time. That’s kind of funny.

Tiger mom or panda parent? Strict or soft? What’s your parenting style?
I am definitely a panda parent. I think giving your child space and allowing them to learn and make choices from a very young age is important in shaping them into who they are going to become. When they grow up, they should be confident and make their own choices and pursue their dream careers. I am there to support them. I also think it’s important to be a little strict when required so they learn to be disciplined and have respect for other human beings. But overall, I am very easy with them. I am all for a rooted, simple upbringing.

In what way is your parenting similar and in what way is it different from that of your mother’s?
My parenting is quite different from my mum’s. I think I am more like my (maternal) grandmum. My mum’s style is more chill. My grandmother was a hands-on sort of parent, watching over my mum most of the time. She was definitely a little stricter than my mother. I am a bit more possessive too.

Is junk food totally banned at your home or do the kiddos get to indulge in chips and chocolates?
I don’t believe in depriving my kids as I don’t want them to be alien to anything. Usually they have ghar ka khana only. But when we are out for a birthday party or when we are on a holiday, I love to let them experiment. Besides, what is childhood without chocolate (laughs). That’s part of growing up. I grew up eating chocolates. Of course, everything has to be eaten in moderation and under supervision. Similarly, watching a bit of television is fine. My girls enjoy watching cartoons. They have a set screen time.

Motherhood or career — what’s more rewarding?
A working mom can’t answer this question because she is a mother and she has chosen to work as well. I would not want to choose between these two. I love my kids. They are my life and that’s my personal world. I am equally passionate about my work. My profession keeps me out there. It is my drive. Both are very important parts of me, my personality and who I am today — a mother and an actor — so they go hand-in-hand. It is all about the art of balancing.

How do you strike the right balance?
Juggling work and kids is never easy. It is important to have a proper routine with your kids and for your kids and at the same time schedule your work accordingly. Of course, family support is also very important.