Eid-ul-Adha is all about biryani, sheer khurma for Munawar
Kavita Awaasthi (HINDUSTAN TIMES; June 29, 2023)

For Munawar Faruqui, what makes any festival complete is the love and blessings of family “along with great food”. Sharing his Eid-ul-Adha plans, the comedian-rapper, who has taken three days off from work, says, “Eid is extremely special for me. Like every year, it’s going to be a low-key Eid-ul-Adha. I will celebrate the day with my friends and family. Of course, gorging on the delicious food is another big highlight of the festival for me.”

For the 31-year-old, Eid is never complete without biryani and sheer khurma. “I look forward to enjoying these two dishes every year. I remember when I was a kid, there used to be limited sheer khurma made at home, so I would keep my share in the refrigerator to relish it the next day, too. Meanwhile, on the day of Eid-ul-Adha, I’d have sheer khurma at my relatives’ and friends’ homes,” he recalls.

Looking back at how he celebrated the festival in his younger days compared to today, he admits that things have changed.

“We had limited resources back then, so we celebrated the festival accordingly. At that time, getting Rs. 50 as Eidi felt like a huge sum. We would go to a mela and spend all the money. Since I understand the value of that gift, I ensure that kids in my family get a lot of Eidi and are able to enjoy everything to the fullest,” Faruqui ends.