Neil Nitin Mukesh on body transformation journey: My friends mocked me
Syeda Eba Fatima (HINDUSTAN TIMES; January 11, 2023)

Neil Nitin Mukesh surprised everyone with his body transformation pictures on Instagram, where he’s seen flaunting his chiselled physique. The actor reveals that the journey of over a year has been challenging. “Some of my close friends were upset about me giving up alcohol and not being able to party with them as I was focused on getting back in shape. Some even mocked me, saying things like, ‘You are looking so frail. You are losing weight. Are you not getting food at home?’ But nobody understood what a transformation period is like,” says Mukesh.

In his social media post, the 40-year-old mentioned becoming socially distant during the transformation phase. The actor explains, “My friends’ comments did hurt me initially and I became very defensive. In fact, I would often fight back. Maybe they were just joking, but I learned, to each their own.”

For the Saaho (2019) actor, it was only about being disciplined and having the willpower and confidence to fulfil his dream. “I wanted nothing to come in the way of the goals I had set. And today, those who initially mocked me are patting my back,” Mukesh says with pride.

The actor admits that he lost control of his lifestyle and became complacent during the pandemic. “I would tell myself that the moment work starts again, I will push myself to get back in shape. There was worry because I have a family history of obesity and I did not want to look the way I was looking. My biggest motivation came while playing with my daughter. I realized that I needed to work on myself,” recalls Mukesh, adding, “I have been off alcohol for a year and a half. I have been off gluten and dairy. I was vegan for almost six months, following a regimented food diet.”

Neil Nitin Mukesh on body transformation journey: My friends mocked me