I could not breathe: Mahekk talks about being on ventilator support
Vinay MR Mishra (HINDUSTAN TIMES; January 11, 2023)

Actor Mahekk Chahal was rushed to a Mumbai hospital recently and was even put on ventilator support, we have learnt. Chahal, who is recuperating currently, is still in the hospital to avoid a “relapse”, as she confirms the news with us. “I got pneumonia,” the actor states, adding, “I was hospitalized recently and put on ventilator support. I felt a lot of pain in my chest on January 2 and collapsed. I couldn’t breathe. I am still hospitalized; it’s been eight days. I am in the normal ward now. Both my lungs were infected.”

The 43-year-old was terrified with the episode: “I was super scared, because I’d never experienced breathlessness. Every time I coughed, it was so painful.”

Only Chahal’s “close friends, family and co-actors” from her TV show knew about her condition. “I needed to rest, so I didn’t want to be in touch with anyone or reply to thousand messages,” the Nirdosh (2018) actor shares.

She blames her constant travel to cities with extreme cold, including Delhi, for her condition. “I thought I had a bad cold. I didn’t realize that it was so severe. I want to get 100% fit and then get discharged,” Chahal ends.