‘I have come  a long way when it comes to speaking on stage’

For Farhan Akhtar, being comfortable on stage has not been easy; says acting helped him
Rishabh Suri (HINDUSTAN TIMES; January 24, 2023)

Farhan Akhtar’s natural demeanour on stage is something his fans love about him. The filmmaker-actor, who is also a musician and the frontman of the band Farhan Live that turned 10 recently, is full of energy during his live shows. In fact, his sense of humour while hosting award shows is also appreciated. But learning the art of being comfortable on stage hasn’t been easy for Akhtar.

“I was not comfortable speaking on stage. If I need to go on stage and perform, I know what I am supposed to do. So it is easy for me. If I have to converse with you, it’s easy because we’d be engaged talking. But if somebody says, ‘Go on stage and speak to the crowd for 25 minutes’, there’s a part of me that wonders, ‘Why are they interested in what I have to say? What am I going to do, give a PPT presentation?’ I think I have come a long way when it comes to speaking on stage,” says the 49-year-old.

But, given the nature of his profession, he needs to engage with audiences on a regular basis. Akhtar admits that acting helps him overcome nervousness. “When you play a character, you lose inhibitions because the character allows you that. It’s a strange psychological thing that happens. It’s easier when I am in character. If something makes you nervous, you should do it more so that you can ease it out,” says the Ms Marvel actor.

Akhtar feels hosting award shows has also helped him overcome stage fear. “It slowly, but surely helped me get over it. But I still remember the Lakshya (2004) and Dil Chahta Hai (DCH; 2001) days (he directed the films). DCH won a couple of awards and I didn’t attend the show because I was scared I might have to go on stage and say something,” he ends.