After finishing half-marathon, Saiyami Kher is now racing to her next goal

Hiren Kotwani (MID-DAY; January 19, 2023)

Earlier this week, Saiyami Kher ran her 15th half-marathon (21 kilometres) at the Mumbai Marathon 2023. Now, she has her next goal carved out: the half-Ironman triathlon, which is scheduled to take place in New Zealand in March.

Originally, she was to tick the triathlon — which involves 1.9 kilometres of swimming, 90 kilometres of cycling and 21 kilometres of running — off her life goals by the time she turned 30 last year. However, due to the rescheduling of work commitments in the wake of the pandemic, she hopes to attain the goal this year.

Prep for the half-Ironman race is on in full swing, with the actor doing brick-training once a week. “I do three runs and two swims weekly. Plus, I cycle four times a week. With every passing week, I increase the distances by 10 per cent,” she reveals.

Pointing out that swimming in a pool is relatively easier than in a lake, she says that her prep is often taking her to her parents’ house in Nashik. “Whenever I have a few days off, I head there and practice swimming in the lake.”

Her diet has been modified for the purpose. It comprises home-made meals, and is devoid of processed sugar. But Kher admits that she gives in to her craving for ice cream. “Since I’m exerting so much, it is okay to indulge once in a while, as long as it is in moderation.”