Maanvi Gagroo feels people’s perception of how a female actor should look hasn’t changed completely
Rishabh Suri (HINDUSTAN TIMES; July 20, 2022)

Maanvi Gagroo believes that while the arrival of OTT platforms led to better roles for female actors, there are some things which haven’t changed. Especially people’s perception of how a female actor should look.

“Even in society, there is a general change that is happening. People are talking about body positivity, all skin colours being beautiful. But, people still think skinny, fair, straight hair. I don’t know if the society dictates what you see on-screen… they go hand in hand,” she says.

The Four More Shots Please actor adds that there is a section that still thinks about body shape, and skin complexion of a female actor while casting. “Some people still think that their lead should be a certain way. But then there are others who are the opposite, and say ‘she is good looking, it’s fine, as long as they are auditioned and they can act well’. It’s a mix like society,” she shares.

Gagroo has faced situations where people were surprised that she had confidence, despite her weight.

“A lot of people come to me and say ‘you are so confident, it’s amazing’ I said ‘confident matlab?’ I could never figure it out. You don’t go to a person and say ‘you are confident’, I would say how big a fan I am, and if I like their dress. Then I realise they are coming to me with the mindset ‘she’s fat, yet she’s confident’. Or if I am wearing shorts, in their head it is ‘she’s fat, and yet she’s still wearing shorts, she is confident’. Now I am confident about myself,” ends the actor.