Friday’s Clash : Cricket vs Crime, trade analysts kick in
Box Office India Trade Network

HIT - THE FIRST CASE showed an upward trend on Saturday but it will not be good enough from such a low level start. The film had to double up at least but it went up around 65% to collect a little under 2 crore nett. The two day collections of the film are around 3 crore nett.  

The film does not have much for the mass audience that drives the business on Sunday so the weekend will be around 5.50 crore nett which is a paltry sum and less than last week's KHUDA HAAFIZ CHAPTER 2 - AGNI PARIKSHA.

The two day collections of HIT - THE FIRST CASE are as follows.
Friday - 1,15,00,000
Saturday - 1,90,00,000
TOTAL - 3,05,00,000

The collections of SHABAASH MITHU are much worse than HIT - THE FIRST CASE and the growth was also pretty minimal on Saturday. On top this film has a higher budget than HIT - THE FIRST CASE. So obviously its gone all wrong for this film. The two day business of the film remains under 1 crore nett after two days.

The two day business of SHABAASH MITHU is as follows.
Friday - 40,00,000 apprx
Saturday - 55,00,000 apprx
TOTAL - 95,00,000 apprx