A Hero is an Iranian film written and directed by globally renowned filmmaker and two-time Oscar winner, Asghar Farhadi. The filmmaker has carved a niche and attained a fan following for choosing some interesting topics and executing them deftly. A Hero is no exception. Yet again, Asghar Farhadi uses no background score and yet, you won’t miss it even for a second as he adds so much into a scene and also makes smart use of background noise. A few developments are a bit ambiguous and had the filmmaker taken the effort to simplify it, the film would have been a classic like some of his earlier works like A Separation and The Salesman. Amir Jadidi (Rahim) is excellent as the lead. His smile especially aids his performance big time. Mohsen Tanabandeh (Bahram) is apt for the part. Sahar Goldoost (Farkhondeh) is lovely in a supporting role. Maryam Shahdaei (Malileh) and Alireza Jahandideh (Hossein) lend able support. All in all, A Hero is yet another gem from Asghar Farhadi. It has been released on Amazon Prime worldwide. In India, it’ll be a while before it premieres on OTT. Meanwhile, it has released in cinemas on April 8 and if you are an Asghar Farhadi fan, you shouldn’t miss this for anything on the big screen.

My rating - **** out of 5!