Sharmaji Namkeen, the last film of Rishi Kapoor, makes for a unique experience. 60% of the movie was shot with Rishi Kapoor, after which he passed away. Paresh Rawal then stepped in and played the same role. Hence, both the actors are playing the same characters. There are times when the character is played by Rishi Kapoor in a scene and in the next shot, it’s Paresh Rawal as Sharmaji! It's not easy initially but soon, viewers get used to it. And then there’s no stopping the film. It’s a light-hearted film and never gets depressing, despite being a bit in the 'Baghban zone'. A few comic moments stand out and the funny dialogues add to the madness. However, in some places, the writers took the craziness to the next level and could have been avoided. The finale might seem silly but in my opinion, it’s quite smart, funny and even nail-biting. Rishi Kapoor is adorable. The performance becomes special for viewers as it’s his last film. Paresh Rawal gives his best. Juhi Chawla delivers a lovely performance. Suhail Nayyar leaves a mark and is an actor to watch out for. Isha Talwar stands out in a small role. Taaruk Raina is okay. Satish Kaushik is dependable as always. Sheeba Chadha is too good while Parmeet Sethi is natural. Ayesha Raza is wasted while Sulagna Panigrahi gets limited scope. All in all, Sharmaji Namkeen is a very heartwarming fare and deserves to be seen with the family. I wish it had released in cinemas; it would have been fun watching the film on the big screen while enjoying the collective laughter and the clapping during the end credits.

My rating - *** ½ out of 5!