Sugandha Rawal (HINDUSTAN TIMES; January 10, 2022)

Actor Sonu Sood has stepped down as Punjab’s ‘State Icon’ after holding the position for over a year. Sood says that this decision is in sync with the Election Commission of India’s principles, but maintains that it doesn’t mean an end to his responsibilities towards the public.

“For the past year, I was doing my bit as the State Icon of Punjab, spreading the message about how important it is to vote and help rebuild the state. Now, since my sister is contesting in the Punjab [assembly] elections, I can’t be the icon [any more],” Sood, who was born in Moga, Punjab, tells us.

He continues, “It (continuing with the position) is not possible, or right. It was conveyed to me that I can no longer send a message that everyone has to come and vote, because someone from my family is contesting.”

The Election Commission of India had appointed him to the position in November 2020, after his work to help people during the pandemic. Sood says, “And now, when I have stepped down, I think I have more responsibility on my shoulders, that I have to do more... to motivate people to come forward and do their bit (for the state).”

Sood, who is equally known for his philanthropy as for his film career, mentions that he understood the power of the common man while working in the public field.

“I’ve learnt that the real power lies in the hands of a common man. Punjab needs a lot of improvement, whether we talk about medical facilities or education. We’ve arranged for many surgeries, but got to know that people don’t have money to even get the test done. That’s the level of poverty,” the Simmba (2018) actor says.

Stressing how important it is for every individual to feel responsible about their state and country, Sood urges the common man to unite and “give the state what it deserves”.