As told to Mohar Basu (MID-DAY; July 8, 2021)

No matter how much one prepares themselves for the eventuality, you are never quite prepared. That’s the feeling I am left with today. I lost my elder brother. Dilip saab was the reason I even dreamt of being an actor and it’s a cruel irony that he and I have never shared screen space.

The only time we worked together in a movie was Paari in 1965. It was a Bengali film for which we shot extensively in Kolkata. I remember my disappointment on realising that I didn’t have a single scene with him. [I always thought, some day] life will give me a chance.

The time spent with him over the decades has left an indelible mark on me. We bonded over our love for food and cinema. On set with him, I learnt the value of conducting oneself gracefully. He had impeccable manners, was polite and had an infectious energy.

I wanted to copy him to the T — be it his hairstyle or his dressing sense. But, that’s the thing about men like him, you can’t replicate their brilliance. His loss leaves an irreparable void in my life.