The actor, who is in the UK, says he had to cancel his plans to come to India due to the current COVID crisis and that his parents still haven’t met his nine-month-old daughter
Onkar Kulkarni (BOMBAY TIMES; May 8, 2021)

Last July, actor Aftab Shivdasani and wife Nin Dusanj welcomed their baby girl, Nevaeh, in London. Since then, his daughter and wife have been based in the UK, while Aftab shuttles between his home back there and India for work commitments.

While he was busy balancing his work and personal life between the two countries, what he was really hoping for was to get his family back to India soon. Talking to BT, he says, “I am eager to bring my daughter to India. I want her to experience all things Indian. She was born in London and we wanted her to grow up a little before bringing her to Mumbai, as travelling during the pandemic is risky. Now, Nevaeh is nine months old, so when the Coronavirus situation gets better, we will come back together. Due to the second wave in India, our plans went for a toss, otherwise, we had planned to return around April.”

Nin’s family lives in London, and she has a good support system there. So, while the baby is getting familiar with her mom’s side of the family, Aftab says that he is keen to have his daughter meet his parents in Mumbai. “My parents live in Mumbai, and since the time she was born, we have been in touch over video calls.“

Aftab continues, “Given the current situation, I didn’t think it was safe for my parents to travel to London. I hope that they get to hold, cuddle and kiss their granddaughter very soon.”

Talking about taking on parenting duties, the actor elaborates, “Together, Nin and I are raising a baby. I am a complete hands-on dad, and we both share our responsibilities equally. Having said that, I am sure Nin does more than me, and I just try to match up to her. I am living a very domesticated life here.”

He adds, “When in London I spend the whole time with my wife and daughter because when I have to travel for work, I end up staying apart for long durations. The longest time I was away from them was for two months when I was in India shooting for a web show. What I like about London is that it has open spaces to walk, lots of greenery and fresh air. I enjoy taking Nevaeh for a stroll.”