Anil Kapoor on why he doesn’t believe in pulling long hours at the gym and what keeps him motivated
As told to Kunal Guha (MUMBAI MIRROR; November 21, 2020)

Fitness to me...
I think over the years, we’ve all seen fitness become more of a lifestyle than a revolution. Back in the day, I would maybe go for a run or a jog once in a while, and that would be enough. But over the years I’ve experimented with many fitness routines and while I keep changing the form to suit my needs, the one thing that is irreversible is my passion for staying fit and healthy. If I had to point out one myth that has been busted forever, it’s that health is just a function of how hard and how long you workout. The fact is, it doesn’t matter how many hours you spend in the gym if your diet is erratic and unhealthy. This is what I follow and I like to keep mixing up my routines so that my body is always evolving.

Honestly, I eat everything...
I don’t believe in complete deprivation. My mantra is moderation. I eat well most of the time, allow myself a little indulgence on special occasions and when I do, I make up with extra-intense workouts. My favourite indulgences include chaat, butter chicken and pretty much anything that Rhea whips up.

I never believed in cheat meals...
but this lockdown has been a revelation in terms of cheat and rest days. In our house, Friday is Rhea day. She’s the star chef amongst Sonam and my friends, and her cheat meals have become like folklore. It’s a meal that we all look forward to and after we’re done, we talk about it for a few days because it’s just that good. The menu invariably comprises all the carbs or sinful things you can think of, including burgers, fried chicken, fish n chips, Italian, Mexican, Jamaican... you name it, we have it!

I’m a big believer...
in doing what brings you peace — mentally, physically and emotionally. If you feel balanced on the inside, you’ll reflect it on the outside. As actors in showbiz, it would be only too easy to succumb to the pressure of always outshining your counterparts. But if my life and career have taught me anything, it’s that you are only as good as the best version of yourself. And so, I have always been in a healthy competition with myself. I never settle for anything less than my best, but never at the cost of my peace and sanity.

When I’m feeling down and out…
I try to burn off negative energy with a quick run or a session in the gym. When it’s my body that’s feeling low, I make sure to give it as much rest as it needs. It is so important to listen to your body, especially for fitness freaks like me.

When I enter the gym…
or start my run, I leave the world behind. My mind is a blank slate and the only thing that matters is the circuit ahead of me. It’s what I love most about working out — the clarity and single-mindedness puts everything in perspective and restores balance everyday.

When I was younger...
I think I was too hard on myself. I always wanted more from myself and that often left me dissatisfied and anxious. Recognizing this and accepting my strengths and limitations have been hugely helpful in finding harmony and peace in my life. I still push myself to my limits, but I have stopped questioning my efforts now because I’m secure in the knowledge that I always give my best.

I’ve overcome…
the fear of mediocrity. I no longer wonder if I’m good or great. I just try my best and let the chips fall where they may.

My fitness inspiration…
is my instructor Marc. His holistic approach to fitness has been a constant source of inspiration for me. For him, fitness is all about a mindbody-soul connection and the programmes he creates for me address wellbeing as a whole — mental, physical and spiritual.

At 63, what gets me out of bed...
is the opportunity to invent and reinvent myself. I am so fortunate that I get to live out my dream every day. I wake up every morning feeling grateful for that and for my family.

If I could turn back time…
I wouldn’t change a thing. Everything I have done, every choice I have made, has led me to where I am today. And I’m pretty happy with that. Besides, you know the one rule of time travel? Don’t mess with time!