Surveen Chawla
New mother Surveen Chawla on how she evaded post-partum depression and whipped herself into shape in six months
Mohar Basu (MID-DAY; November 8, 2019)

Flooding her Instagram feed with pictures in a swimsuit, new mommy Surveen Chawla has been making a pertinent point about returning to a healthy lifestyle, post delivery. "I practised yoga, and took to cardiovascular activity, and sometimes did both in the same day. I ate only home-cooked food, and fortunately, did not crave outside meals. I had put on 18 kilos, and now, six months post delivery, have only five to lose," says the actor, who ate small portions every two hours.

In the months that led to her delivery, Chawla had heard so much about post-partum depression, that she had actively taken steps to evade it. "Since I am expressive, I could vent. I am not diplomatic, and am also lucky to be blessed with a partner who shares everything with me. One shouldn’t have to repress themselves. [Depression] starts from a single instance, but becomes a larger problem. Throughout my pregnancy, I kept myself in an emotionally-sound place. I had knowledge about what was going on with me, and the baby. There were days when my emotions were all over the place. But, I did my best to stay centred, and share [my feelings] with my partner. I reminded myself everyday that I was doing the best I could."

Chawla relied on a generous appetite of vegetables, eggs and nachni rotis to whip herself into shape. "Snack included fruits, dhoklas or pastas. Dinner would usually be eaten late because we would be tending to our baby."