Actor, columnist and author Twinkle Khanna on writing habits and what makes her happy
Nona Walia (TIMES LIFE; October 13, 2019)

What makes you kick off your humorous side?
I think hanging out with my family — the Kapadias — has an odd perspective on most things. So when we are all together, the one-liners really add up.

Did you always have a sharp sense of humour?
Now, people call it humour and wit; I pretty much said the same things earlier and they just thought I was weird.

When did storytelling start fascinating you?
I loved reading as a child and even today, with three books under my belt and five years of writing columns, I think of myself as a reader more than a writer. It was in boarding school that I first began writing morbid poems. My mom gave me a special file; it was made of black felt and had an orange ribbon that held it together. I hope I find it in an old carton somewhere. She claims my first poem was about mangoes, but I believe it was about maggots. That being said I don’t believe you sit and think about weaving stories with a difference, they are all a part of what you see in life and how you process those experiences.

What was the transition from being an actor to a writer like?
Let’s just say I truly value the fact that I can work in my pyjamas and I don’t have to worry about my false eyelashes falling into the mandatory cup of hot coffee lurking around me.

What are the things that irritate you?
I tend to speak very fast, and sometimes, it is frustrating that I have to slow down so other people can truly understand what I’m saying. Aside from that, I can take all the roaches, mosquitoes, trolls and other pesky creatures in my stride.

Is the pen mightier than the sword?
The pen is mightier than the sword... till it hits a brick wall. I am at that point, and now I am just hoping to leave some graffiti behind.

What is your idea of feminism?
Equal opportunities both socially and professionally – that’s all feminism means to me. I also believe that once you have achieved it you must use the privilege to alleviate a little of the burden that other women carry.

With Tweak (digital platform that talks to women about every aspect of their lives), are you trying to create a judgment-free world?
Yes, but in an irreverent manner, without any pedantic aspects. It aspires to become a go-to platform for obtaining knowledge as well as being heard. I think my first poem was about maggots

Life lessons from your mother that you’d want your daughter to learn…
How to tweak a swishy head of hair.

How do you push yourself out of your comfort zone?
The most recent one would be doing an aerial obstacle course with my family.

The things that you fussed about when younger, but let go easily now?
I don’t fret over my weight anymore.

What inspires you?
Books, books and more books.

Does fame change things?
It gives you both a platform and a responsibility. There is a balance right there if you look at it closely.

Spirituality to you is…
I think God lives in my garden, or at least, I feel as peaceful there as I do in places that are meant to be holy.

When do you prefer to write? Do you often have a writer’s block?
I prefer early mornings, and the best way to get over a writer’s block is to either have a real guillotine hanging over your neck or its modern counterpart – a deadline.

How do you use social media?
I use Twitter as a medium of getting news from different sources almost instantaneously, and that’s the platform I use the most.

How do you handle trolls?
I ignore them now.

How have you incorporated wellness into your daily way of living?
I have clean eating habits. I walk a lot, do some yoga and read. Seems to work well enough, though sometimes, I think I need to lead a messier life.

How does one remain softhearted and compassionate in a tough world?
I don’t know if anyone has the answer to this one. Empathy is an ingrained trait that is inculcated as a child.