Prachee Kulkarni (MUMBAI MIRROR; October 17, 2017)

As veteran actor Anupam Kher took charge as chairman of the Film and Television Institute of India (FTII) on Monday, students who are still on protest made it clear that they wanted solutions rather than empty promises. However, while speaking to Mirror, Kher seemed upbeat and positive that all would turn out well and he could resolve any issues that turn up. Excerpts from the conversation:

You visited the institute on Monday amidst the ongoing crisis. While speaking to students, were you successful in finding a solution to their problems? Will the students rejoin classes now?
I always believe that students move away from their parents and come to such institutes to learn and grow. That is important and that is what we are here for. As far as joining classes is concerned, we will talk about it on Tuesday. I will be conducting a master class with all of them.

But this was a surprise visit. You did not inform anyone…
Yes. I wanted to walk into this place as I did 39 years ago as a student. In fact, I came by taxi and didn’t bring a car. I didn’t want to carry the burden of whatever I achieved afterwards. It was here that I learnt how to face the camera, just as I learnt how to act at the National School of Drama. I would like to spend some time here and hopefully do a lot for the students and the institute

Was it a positive interaction with the students? They were playing drums and agitating when you entered
The interaction was very positive. The students were playing the drums to welcome their chairman. It is a tradition.

But they are protesting...
For me, it was a very interesting way of welcoming the chairman

What about the cases that were filed against students earlier during the strike?
I do not have to answer every question.

The reason for the current boycott is that five students were suspended. Your thoughts?
We should start everything on a positive note. It is easy to list out problems and far more difficult to find solutions. I am sure that like their predecessors, these students will also earn name and fame from their work. But, if we keep looking at problems, we will never be able to resolve anything. I am an optimist and I have also learnt that listening helps at times.

Not just students, even members of staff are facing problems…
I am trying to resolve the problems. In a family, the elders do not sit at home and cry about the problems. They seek solutions.

But the students are still firm on their protest?
This is what you are claiming. I have spoken to them at length and that’s not what they told me.

Students are alleging that you carry the same thoughts as the current government…
Actually, it’s what you’re saying. I don’t want to talk to the students through you. I will talk to them directly.

During the last chairman’s tenure, students were dropped from the governing and academic council meetings whenever a policy decision was to be taken. Will this change?
I don’t think today is the only day to talk about this. I think it’s a day to start on a good note. There is no end to controversies and I cannot comment on this. Let our work show what we are rather than conversations with the media.

When your chairmanship was announced, former chairman Gajendra Chauhan said that FTII needs an administrator and not an actor. Any response?
That’s his point of view. He lives in a democratic country and I think I should respect what he has to say. But it’s not necessary that I have to agree with him.

Will you conduct your tenure as an administrator or an actor?
I shall be a student.

Questions were raised about conflict of interest since you own a film school in Mumbai…
I think it’s an asset that I have 14 years of experience. I have spent a lot of time on the Mumbai school – from an 8x10 room to the level it is at today. But that hardly means I’m going to stand here and distribute pamphlets telling students to join my school instead.

All chairmen till date have taught the students. Will you be taking classes regularly?
Absolutely. I like teaching. I will give them lessons on life.