Priyanka Chopra on the outfit that she’s going to wear to the Oscars
Upala KBR (DNA; February 10, 2016)

Priyanka Chopra presenting an award at the Oscars this year is a big deal and every Indian designer is eager for her to sport their creations. In fact, there is intense pressure on her to wear an Indian outfit.

Tell her that people in India are expecting her to represent her country and she says, “I am Indian… it’s in my blood, in my heart and in everything I do. I don’t necessarily think an outfit will enhance that perception in any way. I would like to think that my presence at the Oscars is an amalgamation of all I am doing, be it a Hindi film or Quantico. I wear my Indianness as a badge of honour wherever I go and I think that is more important than anything else.”

She adds that there is pressure on her choice for the big night. “Yes, there always is and no matter what my choice, there will be also be critique. I’m never concerned about that. I wear what I think is right,” PC asserts. She adds, “My stylists are in touch with designers from both here in India and internationally and are looking for what will be the perfect outfit for me on the day.”

She says she doesn’t believe in giving any brief to her designer. “I don’t really approach it like that. My team has been working with me long enough to know what I like. We just had a brief discussion on some ideas. I prefer to leave it to the designer to recommend something they think will work best for me… they are the experts after all. I will come in to decide what I feel like wearing on the day.”

Will she offer creative inputs? She maintains, “I have a clear idea of what I think works for me and my team understands that. I give them an initial brief of the direction I want to take, after which they go looking for the perfect outfit. Based on the choices, I decide what to wear finally. I’m a girl… we love options! The more the merrier! It’s like having your cake and eating it, too. It’s tough to pick one, but I mostly I go with what I’m feeling at that moment and what outfit complements that mood, giving me confidence to carry it off. That is my biggest accessory!”


I will: Represent! Be confident. Look to have a fun time. Bedazzle! Hahahahaha

What will you carry in your bag that day? My phone and my lipstick! Who needs anything else!