Akshay Kumar and Aditya Thackeray with the students of the training academy
Anirban Das (MID-DAY; February 17, 2016)

Akshay Kumar, who started a self-defence training school in Andheri two years ago with Aditya Thackeray to equip city women with useful strategies tackle perverts, offered a few words encouragement to the students on Monday. The Bollywood action hero was at the academy to felicitate a bunch of women who earned diploma certificates for martial arts training. One of the students, Poornima Shetty, spoke about being overcome with fear while travelling in the city’s deserted patches. “Walking through an isolated lane in Vasai made me feel ill at ease and I called up a friend and spoke to her for 20- odd minutes till I reached the nearest railway station. I stay here alone, but that day, I felt scared,” she recounted

On hearing the incident, Akshay offered some vital advice. He said, "First of all, one has to be confident to deal with attackers. However, I must also ask you all to be good observers. Whenever you find yourself in isolated places, make sure that you observe the surroundings -  a glass object, a stone or a few people. You never know which of the things you observed can save your life in case of an attack,” he said.