The trained dancer turned powerhouse actress talks to us about her choice in men, her style secrets and Mira Nair
Indu Mirani (BOMBAY TIMES; May 22, 2015)

You're a trained dancer. When do we see you doing a full-fledged dance film?
Yes, I am a dancer and I'm very happy that Pooja Bhatt has cast me in a dance film. It's called Cabaret. So, hopefully you'll see me dancing in all the songs of that movie.

How was it working with Mira Nair on Words With Gods?
It was amazing working with Mira Nair. It was a short film about relationships with God and how sometimes in the name of God, we do many things and try to excuse ourselves from what is correct and ethical. It is a story of a family that is fighting over which one should be the God room. Politics inside the family comes to surface. What I learnt from Mira, which was priceless, is how to be a woman but also be strong and assertive.

When was the last time you were in love?
I think I'm in love every week. It's better if it's with a thing or a project or some kind of food or a fad like clothes or music. It's tougher when it's a person. Artistes thrive on experience, right? So, we're always experiencing crushes and flings and things like that. I try not to take it too seriously. Every time I feel like this is it!

What kind of men are you attracted to?
It might sound clichéd because people wouldn't expect that but I would not be attracted to just a good-looking man. He has to have something in the top floor to be able to make conversations, somebody who's compassionate and honest, well read and cares about the world and things around him. The kind of guy you can become best friends with, also hang out without inhibitions and yet want to dress up for him. So, the right balance.

With whom have you bonded the most on sets?
The actress I've bonded with most on sets or even off it, is Kalki. We did a play together last year and before that we'd done this film called Jiah Aur Jiah. She is a wonderful person, honest and someone with a really strong backbone, a lot of strength and love. I'm really fond of her. There's nothing I wouldn't do for that girl.

Share your style secrets with us.
My style secrets are like any girl's style secrets. What makes us look taller, slimmer, younger, fresher and I try not to follow fashion blindly. I feel like there has to be an expression of your individuality, in whatever you wear even if it's something quirky. I think it should embody who you are. For most girls it changes every day because we're moody and I'm moody and an actor so I'm super moody!

How was your experience with the follo chat?
I had a great time talking to people. I've done live voice chats before and I think this was very systematically organised. It was automated so everybody got their fair share of time. It was really fun talking to people one-on-one and what's interesting is many of them don't believe that it's really you. Sometimes they just want to hear your voice. I love people, I love hearing their stories.

Do you have a message for your follo'ers?
I have a really straightforward and simple message for my follo'ers - Guys, it is really the actor talking. So, believe it when you make a call and you will get connected for sure and you can speak your mind, ask your questions, so just chill. It is really your favourite celebrity and we like to talk to you, which is why we come on the app in the first place.