On French Fry Day today, the actress speaks of her love for the delicious snack
Neha Maheshwri (BOMBAY TIMES; July 12, 2024)

You can call them by many names – French fries, finger chips, chips, or simply fries. However, the feeling of ultimate comfort biting into one of these crispy, golden-brown batons of potato is something else. We caught Adah Sharma at Carter Road SOCIAL enjoying French fries on a rainy July morning, wearing a T-shirt that said, ‘Fries before guys’.

She said, “I also read this quote, ‘Exercise? I thought you said ‘Extra fries’, which was funny, so that comes to mind. Even though I prefer to indulge in this tasty snack with my eyes more than my taste buds, on French Fry Day today, I guess it’s okay to cheat! By the way, air-fried is my favourite type and I also like them with potato skin on if I have a choice.”

Indulge more with your eyes than with your taste buds! How does that work? We asked Adah. “Well, I close my eyes and munch on raw carrots, imagining them to be greasy fries dripping with oil,” she laughed and replied.

Speaking of her earliest memories associated with French fries, she recounted, “My mom used to cut up apple pieces and pass them off as French fries, and I would relish them. It is also one of the reasons I have trust issues with the world (laughs).”

Now that she is old enough to see through such tricks, she prefers to take matters into her own hands. She said, “At home, we sautè them in a pan with minimal oil, and if I’m making them myself, I end up eating half of them while they are still being cooked.”

Her unique relationship with French fries was evident as she shared how she drew inspiration from this culinary delight to pen a short story. “It’s a tale of a world where potatoes are on the verge of extinction, and the human population is on the rise. So, an enterprising girl begins making French fries from human fingers, and it becomes an instant hit, leading to rocketing demand,” she said.

The actress said she would also be game to experiment and prepare a gourmet dish featuring French fries. “I would garnish them with pav bhaji masala or pani puri masala. And for dessert, I would dip them in gulab jamun ka sugary syrup. If this isn’t already a thing, I’m claiming copyright on it right now,” she announced, dipping another air-fried fry into mayo!