Bhuvan Bam on his father's battel with alcohol: ‘For months, he looked at me as if I were a stranger’

Bhuvan Bam discusses his father’s battle with alcohol, and its impact on his life
Mohar Basu (MID-DAY; July 28, 2024)

In a heartfelt moment during a recent podcast, actor-creator Bhuvan Bam opened up about his decision to stay away from alcohol. The resolve stems from his personal experiences. Bam says it’s a lesson he learnt when he saw his father, Avnindra Bam, struggling with alcohol addiction.

“I realized early on that alcohol is not a solution to your problems. Seeing my father’s health deteriorate because of his addiction was an eye-opener. My father’s stroke in 2018 was a profound shock. For several months, he would look at me as if I were a complete stranger, unable to recognize his own son. It was an incredibly painful experience, seeing someone who had always been a pillar of strength now struggling to remember me. That period made me realize how fragile our connections can be and how the unexpected can create gaps even in the closest relationships,” he says.

Bam’s father battled alcohol addiction for many years, which significantly affected his health. Two years before his passing in 2021, he underwent brain surgery, a critical event that showed the severe consequences of his drinking habits. Bam asserts there should be urgency in creating awareness about alcohol dependency, as its negative impacts go far beyond the alcoholic.

“My father’s addiction to alcohol not only harmed his health, but also impacted our entire family. It was painful to watch, but it strengthened my resolve to avoid alcohol and lead a healthier life. I hope my story can inspire others to make more conscious choices about their drinking habits.”