Madgaon Express marks the directorial debut of Kunal Kemmu and tells the story of three friends who get into trouble during their Goa trip. The trailer, thankfully, doesn’t show a lot about the story. Hence, there are many surprises from the very beginning which keeps viewers involved. The madness begins once the trio commence their trip and they come across a bunch of crazy characters. A few scenes will bring the house down. After a point, however, the fun elements go down and the film gets a bit unimaginative. The climax is unexpected but could have been funnier. As for the performances, Pratik Gandhi is too funny, especially once he has an overdose of cocaine. It’s also fascinating to see him in such a funny avatar in a Hindi film for the first time. Divyenndu gets back into the comic zone and as expected, he rocks the show. Avinash Tiwary is subtle as per the character’s requirement. Nevertheless, he also puts his best foot forward. Nora Fatehi is decent. Chhaya Kadam (Kanchan Kombdi) is terrific and one would hope that she had more to do in the film. Upendra Limaye (Mendonza Bhai) is in his element. Kunal Kemmu is adorable in a cameo. All in all, Madgaon Express is a crazy entertainer and worth watching with your friends in cinemas.

My rating - *** ½ out of 5!