Paradise is an upcoming Malayalam-Sinhala-English film about a couple holidaying in Sri Lanka during the 2022 crisis. The 95-minute-long film moves at a slow pace and yet never gets boring. The underlying tension between the husband and wife comes to the fore gradually and it’s something to watch out for. The parallels with Ramayana are also nicely done. The climax is shocking. However, one major question remains unanswered and that dents the impact to some extent. Roshan Mathew, as expected, is terrific and plays the part confidently. Darshana Rajendran is supremely talented and gets into the skin of her character. Others like Shyam Fernando (Andrew), Sumith Ilango (Shree), Mahendra Perera (Sergeant Bandara) and Isham Samzudeen (Iqbal) also do very well. All in all, Paradise is a great effort and will surely receive a lot of acclaim once it gets a theatrical release.

My rating - *** ½ out of 5!