Tower is a short film produced by Pravin Gangwani and has won several accolades. Shot in rural Maharashtra, in and around the Malwan-Sindhudurg belt, it tells the story of a young lad pursuing a girl while also wondering why the bird population in his village has reduced drastically. Sanket Angane’s direction is neat and uncomplicated. He tells a simple tale with utmost sincerity and moreover, it’s a clean film, that will appeal to audiences of all kinds. Special mention should also go to Lalit Shejwal’s cinematography. The virgin locales have been shot beautifully. Hrishikesh Shinolkar's music also adds to the impact. The performances are of a tall order, be it Jayesh Angane (Phalya) Devendra Angane (Jaygya), Ruchita Shrike (Manju), Dinesh Angane (Akshya) and Gajanan Angane (Telephone officer). The length is an issue. But the plusses overweigh the minuses and hence, Tower is worth a watch. It is available on BookMyShow Stream. Link:

My rating - *** ½ out of 5!