Lembi Leima is a 44-minute-long Meiteilon (Manipuri) language film, co-produced by Bijou Thaangjam, who’s also a reputed actor (he’s also credited as the art director). The film is about an ecology expert who has arrived in a remote village in Manipur to consider a palm plantation plan submitted by a local leader. The film moves at a slow pace but is quite engrossing. The concept by Protim Khaound is topical and novel and Mayank Pratap Singh and Nicky Chandam have done justice to it with their script. Mayank Pratap Singh's direction is also quite taut. Cinematographer Ravi Ranjan captures the locales very well. Surmani Rishi's background music also deserves special mention. Only one theme is used in most of the film and it’s quite haunting. On the flipside, the film could have been shorter by 5-7 minutes. The low-budget feel comes across in some scenes and the night scenes are too dim. Hence, it gets difficult to understand what is happening, especially in one crucial scene. Speaking of performances, Bala Hijam Ningthoujam looks stunning and delivers a fabulous performance. Bijou Thaangjam puts up a sincere act. Khonykar Khuraijam is restrained and it works well. The rest of the actors also do well. All in all, Lembi Leima is a fine effort. It has already made waves at several film festivals and here’s hoping it continues to achieve success!

My rating - *** ½ out of 5!