Gauahar Khan on
second trimester of
pregnancy: Trying to
get time for myself
Kavita Awaasthi (HINDUSTAN TIMES; March 4, 2023)

Ever since she announced her pregnancy on social media in December last year, Gauahar Khan has been working non-stop. The actor, who is in the second trimester, wants to take it easy now. “No amount of planning can prepare you for what every day is like when you are pregnant. In the past six months, I have shot for projects and done events one after another. All this, of course, meant a lot of travel. Now, I am trying to relax and get time for myself. I’m taking each day as it comes and enjoying the process,” she says.

The Shiksha Mandal actor cannot wait to embrace motherhood and she considers herself “blessed”. She adds,

“Being pregnant is such a personal experience. Only a woman knows what pregnancy feels like. Despite the discomfort and back pain, you feel blessed to experience it. Men can only be a support system, but they cannot fully understand what a woman goes through.”

The Begum Jaan (2017) actor “shot non-stop during the first three months” of pregnancy, which was quite difficult, because she felt low on energy. “Also, you cannot tell anybody that you’re pregnant (many women choose to not announce their pregnancy until the end of the first trimester),” says the actor, who is now looking forward to “just putting my feet up and not doing anything”. Khan adds, “Now, I can’t travel much. But I have already started planning the first trip with my baby.”