Mrs Chatterjee vs Norway is inspired by a shocking true story of a woman who fights against a country after her children were snatched away from her, citing ‘faulty parenting techniques’. The first thing that hits you when you see this film is that something of this sort happened in real life, and sadly continues to happen with many couples. The script is tight and director Ashima Chibber handles the film with sensitivity and finesse. A few scenes are moving and heartbreaking while the climax is clapworthy. Sadly, a few developments in the film are questionable or not explained properly. Songs are poor while the demonization of a particular family in the film is slightly difficult to digest. Speaking of performances, Rani Mukerji delivers her career-best performance and is truly an award-winning act. Anirban Bhattacharya (Anirudh) is apt for the part. Jim Sarbh (Daniel Singh Ciupek) has a crucial part and is terrific. Balaji Gauri (advocate Pratap) steals the show. Barun Chanda (Judge Abhijeet Dutta) is lovely. Kärt Tammjärv (Sia) and Britta Soll (Matilda) overact. Namit (Sunil Kapoor), Soumya Mukherjee (Anirudh’s brother Anurag) and Mithu Chakrabarty (Anirudh’s mother) are fine. Neena Gupta is lovely in a cameo. All in all, Mrs Chatterjee vs Norway is a hard-hitting flick that deserves to be seen for its concept, Rani Mukerji’s outstanding performance and the dramatic and emotional moments.

My rating - *** ½ out of 5!