Akshay just wants to have fun

A bevy of exercise formats are part of his weekly plan, but Kumar says they all have one thing in common — they are routines he thoroughly enjoys adhering to
Sonia Lulla (MID-DAY; February 1, 2023)

Akshay Kumar’s definition of athleticism is rather simple — learn to lift your own weight before trying to lift external weights. “And that’s why lifting doesn’t give me the same thrill, or [help me acquire] the physique that I aspire to have. Power-lifting is great for some people, but it’s just not my thing,” shares the actor, inarguably among the fittest in the Indian film industry.

Lack of equipment, however, does not imply that Kumar’s routine lacks variety. In fact, within the span of one week alone, the actor, 55, practices a bunch of varied exercise formats. “I like to mix it up — from shadow-boxing, conditioning, yoga, hydrotherapy, climbing, circuit training, and anything that involves fun and movement, I do it all. There is one thing, though — when I [am on the go], I miss my parkour gym, bars and rings, where I happily swing freely.”

When he is away on his shooting schedules, Kumar makes the most of the space available to him. “If there’s a pool, I’m in it; if there’s a garden, I’m on the grass; if there’s a ground, I’ll be playing cricket and flexing for every wicket. I’ve benefited from every fitness format. I’ve thrived off learning anything I could, from sports, martial arts, stuns, and parkour, to gymnastics, and rock-climbing. I’ve tried everything, including trampolining. There’s nothing that I haven’t enjoyed and benefited from. The key is to move, love life, and respect your health.”

While he makes his routines as enjoyable as he can, even Khiladi Kumar needs guidance when it comes to his training. One of his fitness coaches, he says, always accompanies him on outdoor shoots, because “I spend a huge amount of time shooting abroad, and if I didn’t adhere to my routine, I wouldn’t be cast as a hero thereafter”. He also travels with a chef in tow, who prepares “simple, but wholesome meals”.

“There aren’t many dos and don’ts when it comes to my diet. The amount I eat depends on my training. Eating in moderation is key, and my diet is balanced. Too much of anything is bad, and no one becomes fat, or thin, if they eat in moderation. But, refined sugar will kill us all one day.”

Kumar’s Instagram news feed is punctuated with videos of his training routine at his home gym, with daughter Nitara often featuring in them as she tries her hand at his regimen. Kumar admits that when it comes to his children, he wishes to lead by example. “Monkey see, monkey do! I don’t believe in telling my kids that they have to, or need to train. Showing them how I train is enough [to motivate] them. Thankfully, they both love to train with me, or in their own [space],” says the actor, adding that he believes physical fitness should receive prominence in the Indian school curriculum.

“Starting [to train when I was] young was the best thing I could ever have done for myself, and my kids. Learning to fall, fight, and fly has helped me build the foundation to try anything. I believe sports and martial arts should be compulsory, like education is, and at every school and community centre. It is equally important, especially because our bodies need to experience everything when we are young in order to become whatever we desire when we grow older.”

The actor’s latest effort in blending his love for fashion and fitness is his recently released athleisure wear, Force IX, the designs of which draw inspiration from the aesthetics of the armed forces. “I want people to feel comfortable while pursuing their fitness journeys. Not everyone likes to train in skin-tight clothing, so, I wanted to make something that people from all walks of life could enjoy.”