My perpetrator is not even worth mentioning by name

Sugandha Rawal (HINDUSTAN TIMES; October 16, 2022)

Somy Ali has time and again hinted that people in power exploited her in the ’90s during her stint in Bollywood, but she has never taken names. And she doesn’t even intend to do so because she feels “he is not worth” mentioning at all.

“It’s only people who put an end to something with their reach and power when they have something to hide, who are ashamed that the world will find out. I was wronged, but my family, friends and I reiterate that the witnesses knew exactly what occurred, and this makes me sleep quite peacefully at night. I pity the perpetrator, who has to live with the demons and carry them for eternity. He is not even worth mentioning by name. That’s how small he is to me now,” says Ali, who reportedly used to date actor Salman Khan back in the day.

The actor, who has featured in movies such as Krishan Avtaar (1993), Anth (1994) and Chupp (1997), among others, is outraged that #MeToo accused filmmaker Sajid Khan has been given a national platform for his comeback: “By giving these people a platform, one is only enhancing and patting their backs, confirming what they did is actually fine and okay to do again. These people (show makers) are enablers for all the wrong reasons because they are members of the same club.”

Lastly, the 46-year-old shares, “Everyone should be educated on how common domestic violence can be and how it does not discriminate whether you are an athlete, a politician, or, in my case, a movie star.”