‘Many have not given one hit, but are seen  as stars’
Pavan Malhotra shares his thoughts about the nature of stardom in Bollywood
Abhimanyu Mathur (HINDUSTAN TIMES; September 17, 2022)

While there have been several onscreen projects about education scams in India — from Setters (2019) and The Whisteblower to Jugaadistan — actor Pavan Malhotra says his latest show is not “yet another web series on the education scam”. He says the story is important as it talks about how “undeserving people” take the spot of those more talented or deserving.

When we draw parallels with the nepotism debate in the entertainment industry, Malhotra acknowledges that this trend exists in Bollywood, too. “It happens in every profession, and not always because of nepotism. Often, the other person makes an error in judgment. Sometimes a producer feels a star is ‘saleable’ so he takes take him over another actor. And in films, everyone has their journey and destiny, so it becomes hard to pinpoint the reason why one is chosen over another,” clarifies the actor, who has received praise and critical acclaim, including a National Award. However, traditional stardom has eluded him — not that he is complaining.

Talking about the concept of stardom in Bollywood, the 64-year-old says, “There are some actors who have not given a single hit as a hero, but they have created the perception through the media that they are stars. Their films wash out at noon... Someone gives one hit in 25 films, but they are still seen as stars because of the perception that they have created.”

He adds that his philosophy is to act and be genuine, without worrying about the result. “I try to avoid repeating gestures and mannerisms. If you adopt a certain body language and it becomes a hit, all directors want you to repeat that. But I don’t want to... Your speech, mannerisms need to change with the character. The best actor is someone who can’t be mimicked. But the problem is if you don’t have a signature style, you won’t be a star. An actor who can’t be mimicked doesn’t become a star because nothing sticks with the audience,” he says with a laugh.