From the beginning

Mithila Palkar and Dhruv Sehgal discuss their audio show, which is a prequel to their hit series Little Things
Letty Mariam Abraham (MID-DAY; September 20, 2022)

After the last season of Little Things culminated in October 2021 on Netflix, Mithila Palkar and Dhruv Sehgal got busy with their lives, not knowing if the show will go on to make another season or not. A year later, we hear that Dice Media is back with Little Things, albeit with a difference. The new edition will be an audio show, where the writers explore how the characters Dhruv and Kavya met and began dating — much like the second season of Permanent Roommates He Said, She Said on Audible.

Unperturbed by the challenges of being on an audio medium, Palkar says, “We can play Dhruv and Kavya in our sleep now. No matter [what the medium], it is like a second skin for us.” However, she agrees that the show is not without its challenges, especially for an actor who uses everything at her disposal to effortlessly play a character.

“As an actor, I do find acting using just the voice a little hard because you lose out on the visual elements. [Usually], your voice modulates as per your action. It is not easy to emote or express with just your voice, but it is exciting, nonetheless. Dhruv and Kavya are home.”

Sehgal on the other hand finds the audio medium technically different, but otherwise the same. “More than difficult, I believe it took time to understand the few technicalities of [working on an audio show]. We took about two days to get the technicalities, but the idea is to create the intimacy of these characters. I believe you just have to be in the moment.” Sehgal believes he no longer questions the intention of his characters as that “ship has sailed and reached where it has to.”

While the series on Netflix was an instant hit, the actors are not pressured to ensure a hit as an audio show. “We don’t operate from the idea that we have to make it a big splash or the biggest show on Audible. We didn’t even approach the [visual] show like this. We do it with honesty and hope those people who are listening to it or watching it feel the story,” says Sehgal, adding that the show will focus on how different they were before they got together. “I think we [characters] were a little more shaky, agitated, and anxious. They got settled when they met each other.”