Gagroo says that besides their craft, actors hugely care about their presence on socials to improve brand value
Rishabh Suri (HINDUSTAN TIMES; September 16, 2022)

Actor Maanvi Gagroo believes that being an actor today is not just about your craft. “I feel the majority of focus has always been outside of acting, even before social media came in. It’s always been about things like who is dating who, who is wearing what, who said what, in which interview, etc. But earlier, there weren’t so many avenues [to put your personal life out there],” says the actor.

The 34-year-old, who has been a part of web shows such as Tripling and Four More Shots Please!, says that earlier, there were fewer mediums for fans to get a peek into the lives celebs. “There would just be one-two print publications, TV interviews and a few award events in a year. But now, everything has gone up; there are so many interviews and events. Also, every actor has their own Instagram account, which is managed by a team,” says Gagroo.

She adds that today, besides good acting skills, it’s imperative to be in the public eye, too. “I feel with social media, there is the pressure of putting out content regularly. People keep thinking, ‘What am I going to put out today to beat the algorithm and increase the number of followers?’ Apart from acting jobs, this is now a great way of making money, too. You partner with brands, and for that, you need to be active and have a large number of followers.”