Catherine Zeta-Jones: Mumbai hasn’t lost its culture and individuality

Hollywood power couple Douglas-Zeta Jones on feeling connected to Mumbai as they renew marriage vows and shoot non-scripted film in city’s iconic locations
Mohar Basu (MID-DAY; July 8, 2022)

In December 2019, Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones had made a quick trip to India. Now, through his film, Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones Unplugged in Mumbai — that will release on his YouTube channel on July 15 — producer Shailendra Singh is giving us an opportunity to join Hollywood’s power couple as they discover Mumbai’s colourful lanes, bustling markets and iconic locations. The 50-minute film follows them as they visit the Gateway Of India, Dhobi Ghat and Babulnath Temple.

The first thing that comes to Douglas’s mind when remembering his sojourn is the city’s unique energy. “Mumbai is gorgeous with all the colours, energy, and [warm] hospitality. Everybody tells you that it’s a unique place, but you have to absorb it [to understand it],” says the actor.

The trip was all the more special for the couple as they renewed their marriage vows, in a Hindu wedding ceremony. Zeta-Jones recounts being blown away by the melange of traditions and modernism that is Mumbai. “It has the hustle and bustle of a metropolis, but hasn’t lost its culture and individuality,” she shares.

Singh, who earlier made non-scripted film Sergei, says he wanted the couple’s experience to be reflected on screen. “We didn’t have a script and structure in place. They had no boundaries in experiencing Indian traditions. They got married in my house, and we did a Bollywood dance together to experience the emotions that Indian weddings [elicit].”