I watched TV while my friend ate dinner: Elli on Swedish hospitality debate
Rishabh Suri (HINDUSTAN TIMES; June 2, 2022)

A debate around whether Swedish people serve food to their guests or not has become a hot topic on social media. It all started because of a screenshot from a Reddit (American social news aggregation portal) thread, where a user shared, “I remember going to my Swedish friend’s house. And while we were playing in his room, his mom yelled that dinner was ready. And check this. He told me to WAIT in his room while they ate (sic).” The comment was upvoted over 10,000 times on the social media website.

Ask actor Elli AvrRam, who is from Sweden, if she ever experienced anything like that, and she says, “I remember this happening while I was growing up.” She goes on to recall an incident. “I had gone to a friend’s house and her family was having dinner. I got to watch cartoons on TV while they ate,” she shares.

But, the Jabariya Jodi (2019) actor asserts that not all families do that. “It’s not in the culture [of the country]. But, it’s weird. It’s not about being rude or unwelcoming. It’s like you cook as much food as the number of members in your family. So if you are a family of four, food only enough for four people is cooked,” she explains.

The 31-year-old is glad that this never happened at her home. “We always had enough food for everyone. I had a Greek upbringing as well. This is not a part of the culture [of Sweden or Greece]. My mom would stuff my friends with food,” she ends.