Sikandar Kher talks about the positive turn his career took, thanks to the web space
Titas Chowdhury (HINDUSTAN TIMES; April 27, 2022)

Actor Sikandar Kher’s career took a 180 degree turn with web series Aarya that released in 2020, where he played a hitman named Daulat. And he credits the web space for bringing about a change in his professional trajectory. “I would most definitely credit the web space for giving me visibility like never before. As an actor, you need and want people to see your work and your abilities. And when you get that many eyeballs, filmmakers also get the chance to view you in their projects and the characters they create,” he explains.

Talking further about how his successful stint on the web has helped him, the actor says, “You can do different roles but if a film doesn’t work, nobody can see your work. That’s when you keep your head down and keep going for it. But Aarya has done well and the character of Daulat has been loved so much. It has 100% helped my career graph.”

But it’s not just actors who have been benefitted from the OTT bandwagon, believes Kher. Stressing on how it has provided a platform for everyone to showcase their versatility, he says, “It works the same way for writers and technicians. There’s so much work for everybody today and that’s helping everyone across the board. It’s a great time for the industry and creative people.”

With the digital medium opening up newer creative possibilities, the 40-year-old feels it has also brought audiences from across the world together and has had a transformative impact on cinema as a whole with language barriers blurring. “You’ve a Parasite (2019) that won the Oscar. So many people watched it. If you’ve made a good project in any language whatsoever, it will be watched all over the world. It’s amazing for us. OTT has a big role to play there,” Kher ends.