jacqueline fernandez
BOMBAY TIMES (April 6, 2022)

Jacqueline Fernandez on Monday said Sri Lankan citizens need “empathy and support” amid the island nation’s economic crisis. “As a Sri Lankan, it is heartbreaking to see what my country and countrymen are going through. I have been flooded with a lot of opinions since this began from around the world. I would say, do not be too quick to pass a judgement and vilify any group based on what is shown,” she wrote.

Sri Lanka is grappling with what is said to be its worst economic crisis since independence from the UK in 1948, resulting in long lines for fuel, cooking gas, essentials in short supply and long hours of power cuts.

Jacqueline said the world and “my people” do not need “another judgement, they need empathy and support”. “Two-minutes of silent prayer for their strength and well-being will bring you much closer to them than a comment based on a loose grasp of the situation,” wrote the 36-year-old actress, who represented Sri Lanka at the Miss Universe 2006 pageant, adding,

“To my country and countrymen, I am hoping this situation comes to an end soon and through means which are peaceful and for the benefit of the people. Praying for immense strength to those dealing with this. Peace to all.”